How marriage can better your health?


It is not a surprise that there a plenty of reasons why couples should formalize their relationship instead of just living together. A biological and psychological need to create an official family and raise children together is one of the most common reasons couples tend to get married. However, the marriage may also bring significant benefits to the health of both husband and wife. Scientists have brought special attention to for-mal marriage and noticed the tendency of better wellness and health for men and women who recently got married.

The Journal of Epidemiology and Community found that married people, compared with people who are widowed, are divorced/separated, or have never been married are more likely to live longer. In addition to a combined wealth and access to health insurance or better healthcare, a married couple may have some more advantages in formalizing their relationship. The most valuable advantage to get officially married is to be more healthy and happier.

So, why the married couple may be healthier? At first, married couples may pay attention to and monitor changes in each other’s health more than boyfriends and girlfriends do. Couples who can recognize the subtle changes in physical or emotional health may be able to identify problems before they become more serious. Couples may also be able to urge partners to make appointments for routine health screenings and follow-up on doctors’ appointments.


Being married and committed to one partner reduces your risk of developing a disease through intimate encounters. Furthermore, nearly half of all married people engage in intimate relations twice a week, compared to 20 to 24 percent of single and cohabitating men and women. Sex releases endorphins that improve mood, can be classified as moderate exercise and creates a feel-good environment that can reduce stress and promotes further contact between couples.

Money is a primary source of stress for many men and women. But living in a dual-income household can ease some of that stress and the potential health problems that come with it. Some research has indicated that married men make as much as 40 percent more money than comparable single men, even after accounting for education and job history. Marriage could be seen as an indication of security and trustworthiness, traits appealing to a company.

As it can be easily noticed, there are many health-related benefits to getting married. Men and women who are about to enter into a new life together can add good health to the reason why they should make their marriage official.
